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    SubjectRe: Toshiba Satellite 2595XDVD
    Hello Andrei

    I confirm that I have this same problem on my Toshiba Satellite 4080XCDT,
    with Windows 98 on it !
    So this is a hardware problem, and Toshiba don't provide a patch or
    something even for windows.
    In fact I have a lot of other problems with this machine.
    USB for example... my webcam sometime has to be unplugged to continue to
    Same thing for the Kodac DC240 camera....

    I have also a ISDN card and if i try to copy something on the diskette, my
    communication breaks immediatly...

    ----- Original Message -----
    From: Andrei Pitis <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Tuesday, November 30, 1999 6:22 PM
    Subject: Toshiba Satellite 2595XDVD

    > Hi everybody,
    > I am not sure to whom should I address this, it's about a buggy
    > keyboard controller (I guess) found on <subj> laptops that has a
    > peculiar behavior with some key sequences. Specifically, when you
    > press a shift (ctrl, alt, shift) and a key - (mostly when you play a
    > lot with shifts, like in emacs :-)) - sometimes the controller ignores
    > the repeat delay and repeats the key, sending very close (tens of
    > miliseconds) key_down interrups (kbd MAKEs).
    > Since this become very frustrating in time (imagine an emacs where
    > meta or control sequences get out of hand) I have modified the
    > handle_scancode function in drivers/char/keyboard.c to ack like a
    > forced kbd delay. In other words, for each new (different from the
    > previous one) scancode it sets up a delay (of 200 ms) in which it
    > ignores the same scancode, if received within this window.
    > I think this may as well be left there, I cannot think of things that
    > might be broken by it, the second aparition of a scancode being
    > always protected by the kdb delay (min 250 ms on PC kbds) - on sane PC
    > kbds, at least... therefore the 200 ms does not do any harm to the
    > normal kbds :-)
    > Anyway, I would be grateful if the person in charge (Linus?) would be
    > so kind to accept this patch, so I will not be doomed to patch by hand
    > each and every kernel from now on :-))
    > The code is as follows, and should be placed immediately after the
    > variable declarations in the abovementioned function:
    > /*
    > * Begin patch for Toshiba Satellite 2595XDVD. Under some
    > * circumstances, its keyboards behaves like ignoring the
    > * kbd repeat delay. This happens in conjunction with shift
    > * keys (ctrl, alt, shift) and leads to undesirable repeat
    > * of a key even if pressed briefly. Fix it by ignoring any
    > * subsequent occurence of the second identical scancode for
    > * 200 ms. IMO, this doesn't break anything on a good keyboard.
    > */
    > static int prev_scancode = 0;
    > static int stop_jiffies = 0;
    > /* new scancode, trigger delay */
    > if (scancode != prev_scancode)
    > stop_jiffies = jiffies;
    > /* same scancode, accept only after the delay */
    > else if (jiffies - stop_jiffies >= 20)
    > stop_jiffies = 0;
    > /* glitch! bail out... */
    > else
    > return;
    > prev_scancode = scancode;
    > /* End Toshiba patch. */
    > Thanks!
    > --
    > Andrei Pitis
    > -
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