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SubjectRE: Recursive malloc crashing Linux. (Well almost)

> My program (killmem.c, attached) doesn't recurse.
> It allocates (in a loop) lots of memory in 4MB chunk mmaps. (1GB total)
> It then fills each chunk one at a time until it dies.
> This demonstrates the ability to allocate far more memory than is
> available, and subsequently die when accessing it. This is overcommit,
> even when overcommit is turned off.
> Allocating memory in a single 1GB chunk fails gracefully, but allocating
> in 4MB chunks works until you access it.

*Yawn* You've written a program that manages to kill itself by shooting
itself in the foot. I can to that too:

char *j=NULL;

Yes, Linux will overcommit even when overcommitting is turned off. There
really is no good way to solve this problem.


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