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SubjectRe: [patch] entry.S fix. [was: Re: scheduling problem?]

On Fri, 17 Dec 1999, William Montgomery wrote:

> OK, looks like the patch helps the case when a user process sends
> a signal to another user process (do_signal), however, when a signal
> is sent from a kernel event (rtc_interrupt or timer_bh) via the
> send_sig & send_sig_info no resched check is done so a user process
> may continue to run for a while.

could you remove the avg_slice heuristics from reschedule_idle()? [the "if
(p->policy == SCHED_OTHER)" part of reschedule_idle().] You are using
SCHED_OTHER threads, right? I do have some fixes and improvements in that
area, but it's not yet ready for public consumption.

basically it might happen that the heuristics say that a given process
will reschedule 'soon', but this never actually happens. If you are using
RT threads then this should never happen though.

-- mingo

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