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SubjectRe: RasterMan on linux and threads
On 17 Dec, Rik van Riel scribbled:
-> On Wed, 15 Dec 1999 wrote:
-> > -> He would do well to remember the words of Dan Bernstein: "Don't
-> > -> speculate- benchmark".
-> >
-> > how about "examine the thery first before spending time on impirical
-> > code that wont do anything useful".
-> What about just reading the relevant 50 lines of kernel
-> code and draw conclusions _after_ that? :)

it was easier to ask san - it takes a lot of time to FIND the relevant
50 lines.. liek xfre86 - its not a matter of the code being hard - its
just so vast that you cant find the bit of code - so i ask those who've
been there before to save time hunting it :)

-> Linux _does_ schedule threads exactly the same as
-> it schedules normal processes. Threads get scheduled
-> on all CPUs, except when the amount of work done
-> (avrage slice) is less than the time it takes to flush
-> the whole CPU cache.
-> kernel/sched.c is the place to look...
-> [roadmaps available on request]

aaaaaaaah :) much better :) (i've spent enuf time today finding the
video reset code in the kernel on boot... still nto sure exactly where
it gets done... might be hidden in some of that x86 ASM... and x86 ASM
is almost unradable... oh do i year for 68k... mmmm... readable asm...
:) )

-> regards,
-> Rik
-> --
-> The Internet is not a network of computers. It is a network
-> of people. That is its real strength.

--------------- Codito, ergo sum - "I code, therefore I am" --------------------
The Rasterman (Carsten Haitzler)

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