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SubjectRe: Ok, making ready for pre-2.4 and code-freeze..
Hi Ron.

>> Huh? Contrary to popular misconceptions, the year 2000 is
>> actually the LAST year of this millennium. After Dec 31 1999
>> we will have completed 1999 full years. Jan 1 2001 is the
>> first day of the next millennium.

> Contrary to popular misconceptions, PEOPLE DON'T CARE!

Well said, Linus.

> The reference point of our timekeeping is based on an event
> where the uncertainty about the timing is much more than a year,
> and was made up several hundred years AFTER the fact. As such,
> if you want to be a stickler, you might as well say that the
> next millenium may have started several years ago.

For those of you interested in this:

1. According to the bible, Jesus was born when Herod Agrippa
was ruling in Judea. Herod Agrippa is documented has having
died in 4 BC.

2. According to the bible, Joseph and Mary had gone to the
city of Bethlehem because of the first Great Roman Census.
History records that these censii were held every 14 years
with the second being in AD 7 and the third in AD 21.

These two facts imply that the second millenium ended on 31st December
1993, and we have been in the third millenium for nearly six years

To the flamers: This is my ONLY post on this subject, and any replies
will be filed in /dev/null unread.

Best wishes from Riley.

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