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SubjectRe: disabling Intel PSN
On Thu, 16 Dec 1999, Andreas Jellinghaus wrote:

> In ka.lists.linux.kernel, you wrote:
> >Has anyone thought of adding a feature of disabling the infamous
> >Intel Pentium III processor serial number, which any application
> >can get using CPUID instruction? According to CPUID specs [1],
> >the PSN can be disabled (part 3.3, disabling PSN) with a single
> >CPUID call, until next reboot.
> the german cŽt magazine showed, that you can enable it again.
> maybe you can find mor on

have a look at (English) and (German; different

Additionally, the c't people mentioned in a recent issue (#24, IIRC) that
they wrote a quite simple program which allowed to re-enable the PSN after
some wake-up from ACPI mode, I think. They don't want to publish the
source code (yet), but would give it to some institution (a committee of
the European parliament?) who want to do something against the PSN or
Intel in general.

IMO disabling the PSN unconditionally at boot time is the best thing Linux
can do with it.

Besides, when I look at the severe bugs mentioned in the specification
updates, downloadable from, I wonder how any
of these P-III processors could ever work reasonably. ;-)

Best wishes

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