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SubjectRe: Linux the tree of Money
I would have bought RHAT at around $14 but I got screwed on the price
change. (They had to reissue the IPO shares on E-Trade). IMHO, the only
reason redhat has such high demand is because people think that Linux is
Redhat like people think that the Internet is AOL. God forbid they should
learn of debian, slackware, or *gasp* installing/using linux completely

Regards, Dave (

----- Original Message -----
From: "David Bialac" <>
To: "Paradox3" <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 1999 7:34 PM
Subject: Re: Linux the tree of Money

> >
> >What do you guys think about how Linux is being used in the U.S. stock
> >markets (mostly) as an instant money maker? For example: Redhat
> >(Nasdaq:RHAT) shot up into the $100s USD on its first day, and is
> currently
> >at $223 USD. VA Linux Systems (Nasdaq:LNUX) recently began trading and
> on
> >its first day shot up to around $300 USD, and is currently at $180.25
> USD.
> >It seems that dozens of other companies are doing similar (although
> not as
> >spectacular) rises by simply mentioning that they "deal with Linux."
> These
> >are mostly companies that are losing massive amounts of money and
> wouldn't
> >normally be worth more than a few dollars a share. Personally, I
> believe
> >that this is due to confused investors who believe that Linux is some
> >magical product that will one day rule the world and make every
> company that
> >deals with it rich. What do you think?
> >
> I'm all for it! Of course, thats mostly because I got in RHAT @ 44,
> INPR @ 9, and CORL @ 12 :).
> Seriously, though. There are two types of investors going into these
> stocks: people who genuinly believe that although today some of these
> companies may not be profitable, they may be in the future. These
> people will buy and hold. The other type is the kind who buys over
> buzzwords. Buzzwords seem to drive a lot of what goes on on Wall
> Street. Up until recently, .com was the buzzword. Prior to that, it
> was bio-tech. Today it's Linux. My advice is to live with it and make
> some money off Linux yourself.
> When you really think about it though, Linux has a lot to offer. It
> works great in the enterprise (currently up to mid-range systems),
> desktops, and embeded devices. Altough you can't make money selling
> Linux, there is a lot of money to be made in applications and support.
> This is what investor #1 is looking at and why he is interested in
> these stocks.
> Dave

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