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SubjectRe: Recursive malloc crashing Linux. (Well almost)
Use something like ulimit to limit users memory user.
There are two potential problems with that code. It allocates massive
amounts of memory, and it also could recurse beyond the stack.

----- Original Message -----
From: "C Hanish Menon" <>
To: <>
Sent: Tuesday, December 14, 1999 6:37 AM
Subject: Recursive malloc crashing Linux. (Well almost)

> Hi
> A friend of mine actually tried a small program which had a recursive
> with malloc in it, In which unknowingly he had forgotten to terminate the
> recursion thus going into a infinite recursion.
> When he ran this program , it used to seg fault , but at the same time he
> that he had lost space in his hard disk. This was inspite of removing the
> Core Dumps it generated.
> NOTE: __ the programs were run as normal user __
> When he asked me, I also wrote a similar program and tried on my m/c.
> enough I got 2 behaviours.
> a) Sometimes it gives a Bus error
> b) Sometimes everything almost hangs. I mean It starts giving
> ***********
> Out of memory for Init (or klogd or sendmail or so on.)
> ************
> Also the system becomes almost unresponsive. Finaly I am forced to reset
> m/c. (Well I didn't wait for more than 10 minutes, may be if I wait more
> something might happen).
> Even I noticed losing some space. But fsck doesn't give any error. Also I
> wasn't able to reproduce it later so not very sure of this.
> This seemed strange enough so I thought I check if anyone else has noticed
> before.
> Well isn't the memory allocation logic such (or shouldn't it be ) that if
> process starts to ask beyond a certain amount of total memory it stops
> any more memory to the process or so.
> *************** the Culprit code ***************
> void recurse(void)
> {
> malloc(4096*1024);
> recurse();
> }
> int main()
> {
> recurse();
> return 0;
> }
> NOTE: If I comment out the malloc above then the program segfaults almost
> immidiately, Seems to be because of stack overflow which is valid.
> ****************the test m/cs **********************
> AMD k6-2 350
> 64 MB RAM
> Kernel that came with Redhat 6.1 which was recompiled
> 120MB of swap.
> *******************************************************
> I don't have 2.2.13 kernel at office currently. And the 2.3.29 kernel
which I
> have requires the 2.3.x modutils and so , which I haven't downloaded yet.
> as this error seemed strange enough I thought I ask immidiately rather
> waiting till tomorrow so that I can check it with the 2.2.13 kernel at
> ---------
> Keep :-)
> HanishKVC
> -
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