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    SubjectRe: Bash Issues
    On Mon, 13 Dec 1999, Jeff V. Merkey wrote:

    >Which alternate charater set supports standard 256 ASCII codes just like
    >a PC,

    There is no such thing as 256 ASCII codes. The ASCII codes go
    from 0 to 127. Grab any computer programming book off your shelf
    and you can easily find this out yourself. The upper 128 codes
    are not part of ASCII, and are no where near standard at all
    period. *IF* they work at all you are indeed lucky. The IBM PC
    style computers for the most part have a common "IBMPC extended
    character set" but it does vary from here to there as I
    understand it.

    >and is mappable to most of the planets terminals? The ACS_*
    >symbols output strange characters in the Latin1 Char set when selected.
    >I am headed towards the linux box to look at ncurses ALTCHARSET.
    >Please Advise.

    Look at the source for a program that does what you are wanting
    to do. Midnight Commander for example.

    Mike A. Harris Linux advocate
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