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SubjectRe: 2.3.31: parport_lowlevel
On Sun, 12 Dec 1999 20:50:33 +0000, 
Philip Blundell <> wrote:
>Steve Dodd wrote:
>>I've always viewed the post-install thing as a bit of a hack -- I admit I
>>don't have any concrete reasons for thinking this, though. Is there no way
>>of making things work under the existing scheme? Or perhaps adding features
>>to the dependency analysis done by depmod and friends?
>We could add some magic to modutils to let you say "pretend that module X
>depends on module Y". This would possibly be a tiny bit neater than using
>post-install but I don't think it really buys anything.

This already exists in modutils 2.3. From man modules.conf

[add] above module module_list
This directive makes it possible for one module to "pull in"
another set of modules on top of itself in a module stack, as
seen in the output of the lsmod(8) command. The above directive
is useful for those circumstances when the dependencies are more
complex than what can be described in the modules.dep dependency
file. This is an optimized case of the post-install and
pre-remove directives. Note that failure of installing the
module will not influence the exit status of modprobe. The
optional add prefix adds the new list to the previous list
instead of replacing it.

There is also a corresponding "below" directive. modutils 2.3 can be
obtained from (master) and (mirror).

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