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SubjectRe: linux interrupt handling problem
> We already have this feature, you run the critical interrupt as
> SA_INTERRUPT, the rest as normal sti() ones. The 7 priorities don't
> buy you anything.

On a low end box with tight IRQ timing they buy you a lot. There are reasons
MacOS does better than Linux on m68k serial performance. On modern machines
and things like the PC what you say is very true but not on old m68k boxen

However there are much cleaner ways to attack this.

Add an arch specific

spin_lockat_cli(lock, flags, pri)

and make the normal cli() raise your IPL to screen all but what are effectively
the 'real time' irqs. You don't want to do this in the generic driver case
or for most platforms but used in the m68k serial drivers its pretty much
essential - as on the mac it is for localtalk


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