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SubjectRe: ATI
Brad Douglas wrote:
> I would have sent this to the list as well, but I just get the digest
> version and I haven't exactly taken the time to figure out how to reply to
> messages from the digest on the list ;).

You could just write to l-k.

> >From what you're describing, what you're doing seems right unless there's a
> conflict with the pseudo-dual-head thing you have going. If you get a
> chance this week, could you boot with only the R128 driver and see if it
> works? I'm interested in the results.

I have just compiled one 2.3.26 with only aty128fb and got almost "garbage" on
the screen at the initialisation of the aty128fb and the boot process hangs.
But I don't know how to give the parameters to the kernel ?
Something like (with lilo): 2.3.26 video=aty128fb:mode???

> Right now, the R128 driver is experimental and little is supported at the
> moment. The two of us that are working on it also have busy day jobs.
> Now that I have gotten my excuses out of the way, let me give you the
> rundown:
> As of the code that's in the kernel, only unaccelerated modes are supported.
> All resolutions and bit depths should be OK, less maybe 15bpp (I have
> noticed some tearing in the display at 1024+ resolutions, but that is going
> away with the next patch). Fonts are not supported yet, either.
> The next patch will be quite an improvement. There will be some
> acceleration and stability should be greatly increased. I just have one
> more big bug to smash before I release it for testing. Oh, I'll also be
> adding a bit of debug code, so I can better follow the errata.

Great, and maybe just addind one little doc for atyfb and aty128fb (not much,
just the usage) would be tremendous :-)

> With that said, I'm going to spend quite a bit of this coming weekend to
> liberating that bug and I'll throw in a PCI ATI card and see what kind of
> results (or lack thereof) I can get.

So I am near sure in a near future I'll be able to use my two monitors ;-)

> Thanks for checking out the driver,

Thanks you very much for helping me and writing the driver!

Please, don't cc to me: I am on the list...

Greg ICQ:16624071
Gregoire Favre, Institut de Mathématique de l'Universite de Lausanne

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