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SubjectRe: NFS Locking...
Robert Dinse wrote:
> I've run into a strange problem; I have a mail server running Linux 2.2.13
> (Intel Platform) on which the mail spool resides. Originally, we had it on a
> SunOS system, but the 2GB partition limit of SunOS was too restrictive so we
> moved it to a Linux box.
> We also have a SunOS box that is a shell server that mounts this spool via
> NFS and people access it via various mail clients that manipulate the spool
> files directly such as BSD mail, mutt, mh, elm, and pine.
> Mutt now hangs when you fire it up and it is hanging on an fcntl call that
> attempts to check for a remote lock on the spool file for the user reading
> mail. It hangs indefinitely and can't be killed even with kill -9.
> It appears that remote locking isn't supported by the Linux nfsd and there
> is no lockd. Is there a fix for this problem? I know we could recompile some
> of the mailers to use a different locking method but I can't stop users from
> compiling things that do this and jamming up the machine with stuck processes
> that can't be killed. I don't see any flags in SunOS to disable locking.
> -
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I had the same problem with exmh.

On redhat-6.1 the rpm knfsd-clients contains rpc.statd and rpc.lockd.
This are controlled with the script /etc/rc.d/init/nfslock and provide
the locking facilities.

I'm not sure about other distributions but the knfsd-clients (or similar)
deb, tarball for them should also contain these.

Rui Sousa

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