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    SubjectRe: Kernel related StarOffice 5.1a problem
    On Tue, 9 Nov 1999, Alexander Viro wrote:

    > It tries to access WHAT? Bloody lusers cannot be bothered to use
    >%d in sprintf? Sorry. /proc/<pid>/fd/0<whatever> _never_ had been a

    Just have a look before talking about sprintf.

    BTW the problem is only /proc/0<whatever> .

    >documented interface. They already were deep in it with (ab)using glibc
    >guts. And it didn't teach them? They _deserve_ to lose. Who maintains

    currently I believe who lose are the users as that's binary-only stuff.

    > Andrea, I don't think that kernel should work around the bugs in
    >_that_. Really. Backwards compatibility is nice, but preserving every
    >undocumented quirk that nobody sane would use... Sorry, but we really need
    >an addition to errno.h: EBITEME. Exactly for such cases.

    Tell me why. 2.2.x is a dead kernel. It must work as best as possible
    until the unstable kernel will be stable and nothing more. 2.2.x is not
    the future. Fix the problem in 2.3.x and the 2.2.x quirks will expire some
    day silenty.

    Fixing it will make you more happy in spirit, it will hurt users and won't
    help you in real life. I sure understand that the change is been a good
    thing for 2.2.13 and I _never_ complained about it at that time. But now
    that we did the sad discovery we could choose to return back to the

    I agree it's a very minor issue but I still can't see any downsides in
    putting back the undocumented quirk in 2.2.x.


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