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SubjectRe: locking user memory and kiobuf
> kiobuf sounds perfect for a problem we have.  Currently I use mmap() to map
> pages from __get_free_pages() into user space for dma. This is not totally
> satisfactory, tho, in part because the resulting group of pages is not mapped
> contiguously into kernel.

If you have a situation where that is hard to handle you can vmalloc a block
of memory then map that into user space. drivers/char/bttv.c does it. Its
ugly and bttv needs to switch to kiovecs in 2.3.x if I get time.

> Since we're going to ship a driver to customers, we can't use kiobuf unless
> it is standard part of the kernel.

Whose kernel 8)

> So, has kiobuf been accepted into the kernel proper or will it be a patch
> for the forseeable future?

Its in several vendor shipped kernels and in 2.2ac but not in 2.2 vanilla and
since its not a bug fix isnt likely to be

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