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SubjectRe: 2.2.13 oopsen (update)
On Sat, 6 Nov 1999, Simon Kirby wrote:

> You said you had 256 MB of ram, so you'll probably want to run the
> program with "220" or so as an argument (so that you still have some
> memory left). This program doesn't test everything (just the RAM that
> the kernel maps to it), but it has worked for me pretty well in the
> past and has usually been much faster than professional testers.

Your memory tester turned up a fault in the memory. One of the bytes in
the memory has two bits permanently stuck at high. This is only two bits
out of all the bytes I have.

Your memory program did the trick, now I wonder if the memory test
routines could be used by the kernel to map out bad memory, at least
temporarily until I replace the memory (perhaps as a unmappable 4k page?)

This could increase Linux's capability to deal with bad memory


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