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SubjectRe: ext3 data points (and a request)
On Fri, Oct 29, 1999 at 05:55:07PM +0100, Stephen C. Tweedie wrote:
> Hi,
> On Fri, 29 Oct 1999 10:06:45 +0100, "Sean Hunter" <>
> said:
> > I made the journal files for the first two filesystems (and remounted
> > them as ext3) in runlevel 3, but brought the box single user to do
> > /usr, which was when I noticed the problem.
> OK, it does look as if it's the kjournald signal handling which is the
> problem. I'll look into it.

I have another problem with kjournald for you (apart from this error it
works great for me :)

I get this after a succesfull shutdown (the most annoying part is that
the serialsysreq doesn't work anymore at this point :( Normal sysrequest
on the machine itself still works):

BTW sometimes the machine will just reboot without any problems ( <10%).
If I first unmount the partitions (or mount the ro) another error will
appear (no kjournald in it).

Please stand by while rebooting the system
Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 0000000000000001
kjournald(6): Oops 0
pc = [<fffffc000031fe08>] ra = [<fffffc000031fcf4>] ps = 0007
r0 = fffffc00004f0018 r1 = 0000000000000000 r2 = 0000000000027500
r3 = fffffc00004f0838 r4 = 0000000000000008 r5 = 0000000000000001
r6 = ffffffffffffffff r7 = 0000000000000001 r8 = fffffc00002c0000
r9 = 0000000000000008 r10= fffffc0000570510 r11= fffffc00004f0830
r12= fffffc00005206c0 r13= fffffc00005206b8 r14= 0000000000000001
r15= fffffc00002c3a48
r16= 0000000000000007 r17= 0000000000000001 r18= fffffc00004f0630
r19= fffffc00004f0428 r20= fffffc00004f0830 r21= fffffc00004f0220
r22= fffffc00004f0628 r23= 0000000000000001 r24= fffffc00004f0630
r25= fffffc00004f0838 r27= fffffc000031fbc0 r28= fffffc00004c6400
gp = fffffc00005199e8 sp = fffffc00002c3a48
Code: 2fe00000 44e70405 a44c0000 <a4e70000> a4650010 40620522 405ff7a1 e420
0003 447ff001
Trace: [<fffffc0000329b7c>] [<fffffc0000310f14>] [<fffffc000031f07c>] [<fffffc00
0031f020>] [<fffffc000031eac8>] [<fffffc00003207f8>] [<fffffc000031f07c>] [<ffff
fc000037e204>] [<fffffc00003108c8>] [<fffffc000037e060>] [<fffffc000037e020>]
Aiee, killing interrupt handler
Scheduling in interrupt
Unable to handle kernel paging request at virtual address 0000000000000000
kjournald(6): Oops 1
pc = [<fffffc000031ec6c>] ra = [<fffffc000031ec64>] ps = 0000
r0 = 0000000000000018 r1 = 0000000000000001 r2 = ffffffffffffffff
r3 = 000000ff00000001 r4 = 00000000001c2000 r5 = fffffc00005704e0
r6 = fffffc00005206c8 r7 = 0000000000000000 r8 = fffffc00002c0000
r9 = fffffc00002c0000 r10= 0000000000000000 r11= 0000000000000000
r12= fffffc00002c0000 r13= fffffc00005206b8 r14= 0000000000000001
r15= fffffc00002c3878
r16= fffffc0000520730 r17= 0000000000000001 r18= 0000000000000018
r19= 0000000000000000 r20= 0000000000000001 r21= 00000000000000a0
r22= 0000000000000000 r23= 0000000007070707 r24= fffffc000050fe58
r25= fffffc030a3360f8 r27= fffffc000031eca0 r28= ffffffffffffffff
gp = fffffc00005199e8 sp = fffffc00002c3878
Code: 6b5b4f87 27ba0020 23bdad84 <b3ff0000> 45ef041e a75e0000 a53e0008 a55e
0010 a5fe0018
Trace: [<fffffc00003287d8>] [<fffffc0000311460>] [<fffffc000031ca24>] [<fffffc00
0031063c>] [<fffffc000031fcf4>] [<fffffc000031fbc0>] [<fffffc000031fe08>] [<ffff
fc0000329b7c>] [<fffffc0000310f14>] [<fffffc000031f07c>] [<fffffc000031f020>] [<
fffffc000031eac8>] [<fffffc00003207f8>] [<fffffc000031f07c>] [<fffffc000037e204>
] [<fffffc00003108c8>] [<fffffc000037e060>] [<fffffc000037e020>]
die_if_kernel recursion detected.


cpu : Alpha
cpu model : LCA4
cpu variation : -4294967301
cpu revision : 0
cpu serial number : Linux_is_Great!
system type : Noname
system variation : 0
system revision : 0
system serial number : MILO-0000
cycle frequency [Hz] : 166634040 est.
timer frequency [Hz] : 1024.00
page size [bytes] : 8192
phys. address bits : 34
max. addr. space # : 63
BogoMIPS : 162.00
kernel unaligned acc : 0 (pc=0,va=0)
user unaligned acc : 0 (pc=0,va=0)
platform string : N/A
cpus detected : 1

Linux version 2.2.12ext3 ( (gcc version
egcs-2.91.66 19990314/Linux (egcs-1.1.2 release)) #6 Fri Nov 5 02:00:42
CET 1999 (it's a plain 2.2.12 with ext3 (both a and b) patches and the
serial sysrq patch.

The machine is a UDB/Multia. The distribution as far as it concerns is a
sort of RH6.0 distr. More info at request.

Daniel Tryba

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