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SubjectRe: SS-10 funky SCSI problems...

> This is on an SS-10, Ross quad RTK-625's, two SCSI controllers, the built
> in and one of the SCSI/10-base-T cards (Sun).


> The strange thing is that if I dd the drives to /dev/null, ZERO errors,
> it will sit and do that all day fine. If I boot it with a single CPU kernel
> I don't get these errors, only with an SMP kernel.

esp0: IRQ 36 SCSI ID 7 Clk 25MHz CCF=5 TOut 167 NCR53C9x(esp236)
esp1: IRQ 53 SCSI ID 7 Clk 40MHz CCF=8 TOut 167 NCR53C9XF(espfast)

My 4m/690 has two esp cards and the disks work hard but I don't see this
problem. Do you have any other non-ross CPUs to try and isolate the problem?

> I've got SunOS 4.1.4 running on same hardware, with 50-100 users online at
> any given time and it's been up 47 days without a crash. Linux beats SunOS
> hands down in terms of effeciency and scalability, but when it comes to
> stability on SMP it loses.
> Maybe M$ will port Windows NT to Sparc..

If Sun wasn't so anal and actually helped us out a bit then we concentrate
on fixing things. As it stands I have to scrounge around at uni to find
hardware to work on.


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