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SubjectRe: PATCH] fbmem.c, kernel 2.3.25
In article <> you wrote:

> <flame>
> Gentlemen, could we _stop_ this "I don't understand what I've done, but
> compiler is happy now" sort of patches? Trivial check would show that
> vm_pgoff is not in bytes, it's in pages (AFAICS it's a part of LFS patch).
> Result of this voodoo debugging is the code that passes compiler without
> warnings but is badly broken. If you don't understand what happens - take
> time to figure it out. Sheesh... Shutting the compiler up != fixing. It
> hides the problem and makes it very hard to fix - I've seen similar beasts
> that stayed around for 3-4 years.
> </flame>

Ok. Maybe the person who knows he's breaking a _lot_ of interfaces, should
take the trouble of sending a mail to l-k explaining what he/she has done,
and what a good fix would look like. (*)

Arjan van de Ven

(*) This is not always possible, for example the VFS changes in early 2.3
are such a case.

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