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SubjectRe: [patch] string.h speedup, cld-2.3.30-C1

On Sun, 28 Nov 1999, Artur Skawina wrote:

> [the above might not have been as clear as it could have been]
> What you initially suggested was "to let users override GCC's internal
> memcpy/etc. functions" and i had assumed what you actually wanted was
> replacing not memcpy() itself, but the lower level code generated by
> the compiler. That was what the context suggested and that is how i
> interpret the below comment too -- and this is what i can't see a clean
> solution for.

i ment replacing memcpy itself, for the time being, because that one is
showing the problem. I mean (assuming an ideal compiler), i cannot see any
big conceptual difference - both a builtin and an external (inline)
function should result in similar RTL code emitted, no? Is there something
more subtle about built mempcy? Also i might be wrong about structure
copies, structure copies are using the builtin memcpy, right?

i did not really mean replacing some other builtin functions, obviously
__builtin_constant and others must have internal (version dependent GCC
data-structure) knowledge. The 'etc.' part ment 'memset()' and the other
memory-manipulation functions. Sorry if my sentence was confusing.

-- mingo

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