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    SubjectRe: spin_unlock optimization(i386)
    On Sat, 27 Nov 1999, Gerard Roudier wrote:

    > 2) Or we have to cross fingers for the CPU to drain the STORE out of
    > the write buffer fast enough, but the cost is just a couple of cycles.
    > Under situation (2), let me write some user code that writes a single
    > location and then loops reading it. In case of contention on a spinlock,
    > it may well sometimes happen that some other CPUs (31?) be stalled until
    > some external event does happen. ;-)

    Realistically, I don't think the delay will amount to anything more than
    using the lock instruction: as soon as the write propagates through the
    store buffers (which would have to be emptied for a locked cycle anyways),
    the requests of other cpus to read that location will result in their copy
    being updated at the earliest possible time. Of course, a benchmark could
    proven me wrong =)


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