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SubjectRe: bdflush problem ?
> > Built with pgcc ?
> How can I know ? Is there a sign in the executable itself ?

"dmesg" will tell you

> > if it crashed
> How could I know ? I don't have any process called 'bdflush', neither program file
> with that name, just a man(8) entry.

You would also find "oops" messages in the system log.

> What's wrong with it ? pgcc, egcs, gcc which are they ? Here, at home, I'm running a Mandrake 6.1
> and 'gcc --version' reports 'pgcc-2.91.66'.

pgcc is a fairly experimental compiler. We know in places it doesnt build the
kernel correctly. Not always because of the compiler but sometimes because the
kernel doesnt expect that kind of optimisation.

> Maybe yes, maybe no. I submitted memory corruption to the french Oracle support, and they told me
> they couldn't do anything, because Oracle world wild support *needs* reproducible problems, so they
> didn't forward it. Shame on them.
> So, what would you suggest next ?

I would like to know if the standard 2.2.12/13 or 14pre (either will do here)
kernels built with gcc/egcs and not pgcc also show the problem. Something
very odd is going on if your rollbacks fail. I'd like to know what even
if Oracle dont.

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