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SubjectRe: dual pIII network / lockup problems
On Thu, 25 Nov 1999, Alan Cox wrote:

> > > apt still uses bash
> >
> > BeroFTPD does NOT use bash. Neither does apache... But they do succesfully
> > bring 2 x Xeon machine to a grinding halt... The very same machine with
> > PPro's instead of Xeons worked fine.
> And you are talking about completely unrelated bugs it seems. Possibly one
> of them even hardware by the sound of the fact one board works one doesnt.

Unfortunately enough, I can't blame hardware this time... This behaviour is
also encountered on various double-processor P-II/III machines. I do have
a whole lotta bug reports about my distribution being unstable. I was not
able to reproduce those bugs (machine eating all the available memory, then
refusing to spawn processes, then killing init and stopping) until I did
exchange my 2 x PPro motherboard with 2 x Xeon one. Now I hit the bug
several times a week... Further investigation did show that _ALL_ of the
a.m. bug reports were from P-II/III machines...

Unfortunately enough, I can't try any newer kernel (we do run 2.2.10-ac10
here) 'coz no one of 2.3 boots and all after 2.2.10 oops in various places
(the last oops with 2.2.14pre8 has been sent today).

BTW, is the stable kernel > 2.2.0 supposed to appear at all? Which does
build outta the box with full options enabled? And which does not contain
unresolved symbols in modules? And which does really work? The last stable
kernel which I did see was 2.1.125... It still runs on one of our primary
NS'es with several thousands zones:

=== Cut ===
[ksi@ns ksi]$ uptime
6:42pm up 217 days, 19:48, 3 users, load average: 0.00, 0.01, 0.00
[ksi@ns ksi]$ uname -a
Linux 2.1.125 #1 SMP Fri Oct 16 14:08:47 EEST 1998 i686
[ksi@ns ksi]$
=== Cut ===

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