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SubjectRe: spin_unlock optimization(i386)

On Thu, 25 Nov 1999, Linus Torvalds wrote:

> Everybody has convinced me that yes, the Intel ordering rules _are_
> strong enough that all of this really is legal, and that's what I
> wanted. I've gotten sane explanations for why serialization (as
> opposed to just the simple locked access) is required for the lock()
> side but not the unlock() side, and that lack of symmetry was what
> bothered me the most.
> Oliver made a strong case that the lack of symmetry can be adequately
> explained by just simply the lack of symmetry wrt speculation of reads vs
> writes. I feel comfortable again.

i believe the lack of symmetry is due to the unique assymetry of 'lock
aquire' operations vs. 'lock release'. lock-acquire has to be an atomic
test-and-set, and this can only be guaranteed via explicit MESI-helped
LOCK-prefix instructions. The 'lock release' operation on the other hand
can be executed without caring too much about the current state of the
lock, because we _know_ that we are holding the lock already. This unique
assymetry is true even in the Strongly Ordered memory model with no
speculative reads done at all.

> Thanks, guys, we'll be that much faster due to this..

definitely :) The code generated in the SMP kernel is starting to look
like the UP one, both assembly and performance-wise. Cool.

-- mingo

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