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SubjectRe: Are SMP spinlocks safe in WB cached mem?
Thank you for your prompt and informative response.

Erich Boleyn wrote in small part:

> protocol, but I'm pretty darn sure that only one processor is allowed
> to own a cache-line in the M or E states at any one time.

I believe it too. Table 9-3 [I'd post it if it wasn't mangled]

> First of all, for the LOCK to only go as far as the cache, then
> the line must be in a either of the M or E states. If it is in
> an S state, it must get into one of the M or E states first.

Agreed as well per 9-3. But if you write to an S line, it becomes E.

> The WB memory type is very definitely the one you want to use. It
> is coherent, just not from the perspective of hardware devices
> on the bus. Using WT or UC would add complexity (since you have to
> set it up), and simply lose you performance.

Agreed WT/UC loses performance, but maybe not much if only accessed
via spinlocks with their LOCK semantics. For normal DRAM it's terrible!

My vision is a single 4kB kernel WT/UC page dedicated to spinlocks.
Setup isn't difficult, but administering the addresses might be.
Users would be on their own with WB spinlocks, or maybe the
kernel could serve one.

> For hardware devices, you have to use UC to make sure the actual bus
> cycles are the right ones, since the very act of doing a read or
> a write of a particular size, for example, might be recognized and
> used by a particular device.

No kidding. It seems like some 82443BX chips didn't like 16 bit
data reads (masking bit 0) and had to be read 32 bits.

-- Robert

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