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SubjectRe: [patch] 2.3.29 alpha updates

On Wed, 24 Nov 1999, Andrea Arcangeli wrote:

> I cleanedup the mem init stuff and I made the allocation of memory
> completly based on the memory layout provided by the bios. So far part of
> the dyamic memory allocation worked assuming there was some not well
> defined available RAM after the kernel memory. Now on alpha nothing works
> by magic anymore.

well, this is probably mostly semantics anyway - because the boot loading
process (which loads the kernel image into RAM) doesnt analyze the BIOS
bootmap either (on x86, i dont know about Alpha). We basically can assume
that if a kernel image fits into some piece of memory, then the bootmap
fits there as well. The bootmap on a box with 1GB RAM is 32k on x86, and
16k on the Alpha, so we are not talking big memory here.

the real problem was never the bootmap but mem_map[]: much bigger, and
potentially problematic. This is mainly why bootmem.c got written.

-- mingo

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