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SubjectRe: [Patch] shm bug introduced with pagecache in 2.3.11
On Sat, 20 Nov 1999, Manfred Spraul wrote:

> I give it up:
> I've attached 2 more ideas, but one of them is a bit slow, and the other
> one requires cmpxchg (ie only 486 and above).

Interesting. Here's what I'm doing (it's subtle, but cute and efficient
-- 1 instruction and an untaken branch for both readers and writers):

count is initially set to a BIAS (I'm using 0x01000000). Readers
decrement count by 1 and see a positive value if successful. Writers
decrement by the BIAS and see a result of zero when acquired.

This makes the recovery case a bit more challenging, but easily solved
with a second value used to decide who is the next writer (and thus
responsible for maintaining the bias while waiting).


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