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SubjectRe: `filetype' ext2 feature causes dump to SEGV
   From: (Patrick J. LoPresti)
Date: 17 Nov 1999 08:58:28 -0500

We have upgraded to e2fsprogs-1.18 and dump-0.4b9 on our RedHat-6.1
machines (kernel 2.2.13). On filesystems which we create with the
most recent mke2fs, dump is aborting with a SEGV. This only happens
when the filesystem is already populated; empty or nearly-empty
filesystems do not cause the failure.

When we copy the files off, downgrade to e2fsprogs-1.15, re-run
mke2fs, and copy the files back, the problem goes away. This behavior
is very reproducible.

I would guess there is a bug in ext2fs_dir_iterate, or in dump's
interaction with it, when the file system has the `filetype' feature
enabled. This is the only difference I can discern between
filesystems created by the old mke2fs and the new.

It's actually a bug in dump. It's not checking the superblock
compatibility flags, so it didn't notice that it didn't know how to
handle filesystems with the filetype feature. When it tried, it got
itself into a lot of trouble. :-(

The problem was dump wasn't masking off the high bits of the
dirent->name_len field, so it overran the size of the output buffer in
convert_dir, and smashed pointers used by malloc/free. Dump then
crashed in some other completely unrelated spot, later on. (Some
additional sanity checks in this code would be a good idea.)

See below for the patch to dump-0.4b9/dump/traverse.c.

Here is a backtrace of the failure. (Incidentally, this was somewhat
annoying to come by; I had to comment out dump's catching of SEGV in
order to get a core dump. Running dump directly under gdb does not
work because the crash happens in a forked subprocess.)

Yeah, there really ought to be a debugging flag which turns off all of
the forks. It was a pain to have to manually comment out the fork in
startnewtape() in order to be able to debug this under gdb. Stelian?

- Ted

--- traverse.c 1999/11/17 17:09:36 1.1
+++ traverse.c 1999/11/17 17:10:28
@@ -698,7 +698,7 @@

p = (struct convert_dir_context *)private;

- reclen = EXT2_DIR_REC_LEN(dirent->name_len + 1);
+ reclen = EXT2_DIR_REC_LEN((dirent->name_len&0xFF) + 1);
if (((p->offset + reclen - 1) / p->bs) != (p->offset / p->bs)) {
dp = (struct direct *)(p->buf + p->prev_offset);
dp->d_reclen += p->bs - (p->offset % p->bs);
@@ -709,8 +709,8 @@
dp->d_ino = dirent->inode;
dp->d_reclen = reclen;
dp->d_type = 0;
- dp->d_namlen = dirent->name_len;
- strncpy(dp->d_name, dirent->name, dirent->name_len);
+ dp->d_namlen = dirent->name_len & 0xFF;
+ strncpy(dp->d_name, dirent->name, dp->d_namlen);
dp->d_name[dp->d_namlen] = '\0';
p->prev_offset = p->offset;
p->offset += reclen;
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