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SubjectRe: "invalid parameter parm_io" when trying to "modprobe -k sound"
On Nov 16 1999, Keith Owens wrote:
> On Mon, 15 Nov 1999 16:52:20 -0200,
> Rogerio Brito <> wrote:
> > 1 - include the current alias defaults in the depmod manpage
> > (I had to do strings /sbin/depmod to learn the defaults of
> > some things). If you think this is not a very good idea
> > (so you have to update the manpage all the time), could
> > you please consider giving depmod a new command line
> > option so that it dumps its current aliases/defaults so
> > the user can see what they are);
> Already there, modprobe -c. You are looking at the wrong program.
> depmod only builds the inter-module dependency list, modprobe reads
> the options, load the modules and applies the options.

Well, I thought that since depmod constructed the list of
dependecies, it would be a natural place for looking for the
defaults... Silly me.

Oh, modprobe -c isn't precisely what I wanted. I wanted the
factory defaults and modprobe -c actually gives me the factory
defaults (possibly) overriden by the defaults that I've put in

I know, I know, I'm stupid (I'm the first to admit): I didn't
have the idea of deleting modules.conf to see the defaults.
So, since I was getting desperate, I used strings depmod. :-)

> > 2 - include a sample of a configuration that works (I don't
> > know if the preferred thing here would be to include such
> > configuration in the kernel docs or in the modutils docs
> > or in both places). Here is what I'm using here at home
> > now:
> modutils is a generic tool. It is up to each user of modutils to
> specify the options required for their product. There should be
> working examples for sound, ppp, isdn, serial, pcmcia etc., but
> those have to be written by the authors of each component. This
> documentation exists to some extent, search the linux/Documentation
> subtree and all README files under linux/.

I think that I should now be wearing the brown bag
now... Indeed you're right and this has nothing to do with
modutils. I don't know what I was thinking about when I wrote
the suggestion above. Perhaps that I was the result of being
not thinking.

*BUT* (and here is my excuse) the documentation relating to my
sound card wasn't in the Documentation subtree. That's why I
had problems trying to upgrade from my older modutils to your
new version. I made sure to read the documentation (even
documents that are not directly connected to sound boards).

- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -
vanessa:/usr/src/linux-2.3.28/Documentation# grep -r -l -i sound-slot *
vanessa:/usr/src/linux-2.3.28/Documentation# grep -r -l -i sound-service *
- - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - - -

For instance, the kernel docs don't mention the problem people
were having with sound-slot-0-1, for instance. I think that it
would be very instructive if it was mentioned. It could save
people some time and surfing the web. :-(

I could add this to the Documentation tree, if desired, but it
would probably be best done by someone more knowledgeable...

Ok, since now I'm getting farther and farther away from the
subject of modutils, I'm gonna stop. :-)

[]s, Roger...

Rogerio Brito - -
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