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SubjectRe: vfork

In article <> you write:

>You misread my intentions. I argue that Joe Programmer had better
>avoid vfork if he hopes to write portably.

Or at least not assume that vfork() blocks the parent or shares
memory with the parent (but program safely not to touch memory
which *could* be shared with the parent, too!).

>But I do not exclude the possibility that some web server becomes
>0.1% faster because of it.
>[Do you have numbers? People tell me that the rumour goes that
>compiling BSD libc using vfork is just measurably faster.
>I have not heard of any Linux results.]

They get one point slightly wrong there, namely vfork() in 4.4BSD
*is* different to fork(), but only in that it blocks the parent until
the child exec()s or exit()s. vfork() in 4.4BSD does *not* share
VM resources between child and parent.


Regards, Hannah.

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