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    SubjectRe: 2.3.27 unable to boot, 2.2.13 okay, and disk problem
    As far as I can find the Thinkpad 720 is an MCA based machine and the
    integrated controller are the old IBM ESDI variety, not IDE. You need to
    compile a kernel with MCA Support slected and the with PS/2 ESDI hard disk
    support and you should be able to get it to find a drive. For more
    information on Linux and the Thinkpad 720 see the MCA Linux homepage at although it appears to be down a the moment, a quick
    look on for Linux, Thinkpad, 720 will give you the cached

    As for the problem with 2.3.27 not booting, all of my MCA machines fail to
    boot at the same spot with 2.3.27-28 as well, 2.3.26 still boots but reports
    the following:

    Memory: 14476k/16384k available (0k kernel code, 0k reserved, 0k data, 0k

    And while it boots up to a login things are VERY slow with tons of paging
    and eventually the VM starts killing everything off, I was lucky to get it
    shut down.

    2.3.18 does not have this problem but 2.3.23 does. Looking back through the
    code there are a lot of changes to the bootmem code so I'm guessing these
    changes broke MCA. I haven't had time to look at it further but hope to
    soon if someone else doesn't beat me to it.


    ----- Original Message -----
    From: imel... <>
    To: <>
    Sent: Sunday, November 14, 1999 8:28 PM
    Subject: 2.3.27 unable to boot, 2.2.13 okay, and disk problem

    > i tried to boot 2.3.27 on an ibm thinkpad 720 (486 sx), and froze
    > after the "now booting the kernel".
    > 2.2.13 boot just fine on the thinkpad, but i got another problem,
    > that is no harddisk detected by linux. tried all IDE drivers, but
    > no luck.
    > i'll have this machine for a few days, so if anybody want to try
    > something...
    > btw, CONFIG_BLK_DEV_HD_ONLY in should be just
    > imel
    > -
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