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SubjectRe: Serial port, DTR & CTS - serial experts wanted
> also don't like the RTS signal doing funky stuff when I open the port
> just to toggle the DTR signal...

Exactly my problem.

> 2) This sounds like an oversight in the driver. I mean I don't know
> about these semantics, and I write serial drivers....

Yes, is there any reason why the driver should toggle DTR and RTS when the
serial port gets opened?

If there is none, I suggest the behaviour be removed or at least be easily
switchable. Disabling it with a speed of 0 is cumbersome:
1/ The first time your program runs, the driver still toggles the lines.
2/ If your program dies unexpectedly, the driver is still at speed, say,
1200; you have to open the file again to set it to speed 0.
So I don't consider the speed 0 thing as an easy switch.


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