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SubjectRe: Getting IOCTL's into VFS File System Drivers
On Thu, 11 Nov 1999, Khimenko Victor wrote:

>>> > If NT really does what you describe... Well, small wonder that it's so
>>> > bloated.
>>> As far as I know, Chkdsk, the FS-specific checking DLLs, etc... are all
>>> user mode code. I don't know what mechanism Jeff is referring to re: auto
>>> invoking chkdsk on volume mounts, so I can't say how that's accomplished
>>> (probably makes a callback to user mode to invoke the utilities).
>>> -mike
>> Windows, here, both 95 and NT just do a chkdsk upon startup. Windows
>> doesn't have the notion of "mount". Maybe Win-2000 will have, but
>> nothing I've seen yet does.
>What you are saying ? OF COURSE 9X & NT HAS mount syscall. There are no
>mount utility, it's right, but mount syscall is there. And it will return
>to you is chkdsk/scandisk is needed (that is driver was not unmounted cleanly).
>Just like in Linux. The only difference is that you can mount something only
>on drive letter and not in directory...

Actually, from what I was just reading about Windows 2000,
Microsoft is adding a new innovative feature that they single
handedly came up with that allows you to "splice" a filesystem
onto a directory point.

I read that the reason was to do away with drive letters. So,
hats off to Microsoft for inventing this new concept of
"splicing" filesystems onto directories.


Mike A. Harris Linux advocate
Computer Consultant GNU advocate
Capslock Consulting Open Source advocate

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