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SubjectRe: Need info about serial port programming -UPDATE
Hi Jens.

> The hardware expects a clock signal on the DTR pin (whenever DTR
> is toggled it sends a bit), a fixed configuration signal (bit
> width, LSB/MSB conf, etc) on the RTS pin, and sends the binary
> data on the DTR port.

That sounds very similar to how the BAYCOM serial driver works, and
that already has a Linux driver. Look in `make menuconfig` under...

Amateur Radio Support -->
[*] Amateur Radio Support
<*> Amateur Radio AX.25 level 2 protocol
=> <*> Baycom ser12 fullduplex driver for AX.25
=> <*> Baycom ser12 halfduplex driver for AX.25

...and investigate the two arrowed entries. I believe the files of
interest (in the 2.2.13 kernel tree) are...



> They designed it so that "it's easy to program from DOS" (which
> is probably even true)...

Even easier would have been to drop a MAX232 chip at their end and use
the standard RS232 interface - or alternatively design to connect to
the parallel port. I've done both of those with my designs in the
past, and they make the whole thing VERY easy to program under DOS,
and in the case of the parallel port version, I've written BASIC code
for the Sinclair ZX-81 that was more than adequate...

> ...but I would like the machine to run under Linux, because it
> has to put the gained data over a network.

> The sampling frequency with which the DTR is being fed is way
> below a kHz, so my former ideas about 4..5kHz sampling frequency
> seemed to have failed on the hardware (the A/D chip is a cheap
> one, it seems).

Personally, I'd be very tempted to connect it to some of the pins on
the parallel port and code a driver to use it that way, but if it has
to be a serial port, use the BAYCOM design for ideas...

Best wishes from Riley.

PS: The kernel versions page is now back online at the URL below, and
includes separate sublists both for each kernel series, and for
each year of development.

| There is something frustrating about the quality and speed of Linux |
| development, ie., the quality is too high and the speed is too high, |
| in other words, I can implement this XXXX feature, but I bet someone |
| else has already done so and is just about to release their patch. |

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