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SubjectRe: [Fwd: Getting IOCTL's into VFS File System Drivers]


After looking over the comments for this topic, I think I've come to the
conclusion I need to pour over the /root and initrd code and understand
this process throughly, then readdress the topic with you and Peter. I
still need the IOCTL interface in any event, but let's separate the boot
FS issues and the IOCTL issue into two distinct issues. I think the
boot issue can be handled, but may require a special user mode program
to determine mirror group integrity. The IOCTL interface is more of a
problem, but my suggestion would be to allow folks to open symbiloc
handles in the /proc filesystem (i.e., when an FS river loads, create a
symbolic /proc/fs/nwfs handle that open() can recognize and also require
that when FS drivers register, they must post an IOCTL interface
function as well as a read_super(). This would mean that 2.5/2.6 VFS
would change again to add this function (or perhaps we could just use an
unused pointer already in the VFS tables).

We could then send raw IOCTL's into any object chained off the /proc
filesystem. In fact, perhaps we do it NT style, which is to create a
symbolic tree for which folks call an API to add entries to and IOCTL
access functions. I realize this may open up the kernel somewhat.


Alan Cox wrote:

> > USER/KERNEL drivers through a general IOCTL interface. Linux doesn't
> > have one for FS drivers, but everyone else does. I can't use NWFS as a
> > boot FS if I cannot open symbolic handles to talk to the FS driver.
> We mount the boot fs read only so nobody can damage it. Everything after
> that is user space and policy
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