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SubjectRe: Booting RAID5
On Sat, 30 Oct 1999, Sasi Peter wrote:

> I would like to RTFM about $SUBJECT, bot the best I found vas the
> boot-raid howto with a solution for 2.0.x kernels. What has changed since
> then? What should I do to be able to boot from a 3 disk RAID5 md device?

I think I have read something about how to boot from a raid5 set somewhere
on the net, but I don't remember where. It is relativly straightforward
anyway. Create a temporary root and install to it somewhere. Then you
create a normal raid5 set with a persistant superblock etc just like the
documentation in raidtools-0.90 says. Copy the old root to the new raid5
root, modify your /etc/lilo.conf and fixup your initrd if you use one. (On
RedHat you can use mkinitrd which will pick up the raid modules if you
have them in /etc/fstab+/etc/mdtab).

You have to have a separate /boot or whatever you call the storage for the
actual kernel. Lilo cannot load the kernel from a raiddevice AFAIK.

If you get stuck feel free to send me a mail. I have set up a few
computers this way. I think there may be some failure modes that are
harder to get out of if you have your root on a raid5 device.

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