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SubjectRe: Format of linux_logo.h
On Sun, Oct 31, 1999 at 12:30:20AM +0200, Kevin Ilchmann Jørgensen wrote:
> Hi there,
> We want to put our own boot_logo in the kernel, when framebuffers is
> enabled. But the format seems a little spectacular. All of our graphical
> manipulation programs (ee, xv, gimp) can save the real format, but only
> B/W (.xbm). Anyone has a script or a link to another program that does the
> job?
> Or even better; a link to an URL that tells about boot logo with
> framebuffers enabled - the format's etc.?
I remember that there is a Gimp-plugin in the plugin registry that save an
image in the bootlogo.h format. I can't remember its name though.

Here are some specs of the logo:
It should be 80x80 pix, with less than 224 colors...

The logo itself it composed of four array of unsigned char
The first three are color lookup tables for the red, green, and blue.

- linux_logo_red[] contains the quantity of red for each color index of the
- same for green and blue.

- linux_logo[] contains 3*80*80 bytes. Each triplet of bytes represent a
pixel. These bytes are indexes in the red, green and blue
tables to use with the previous tables.

You'll find attached a package with some logos and a tools to show them
on the screen (you'll need gtk to compile it). By looking in it, you should
be able to write your own loading/saving routines.




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