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SubjectRe: Wrong bogomips after plugging in AC power
   From: Pavel Machek <>

So I've now confirmed that my toshiba can speed-up its cpu under some
circumstances. When it is powered up while batteries are low (<20%
will work), it will start with cpu at 150MHz, and bogomips are
computed accordingly.

If I plug it into AC power, it will speed up to 300MHz, but bogomips
still have "slow" value. Therefore all udelays are wrong by factor of
two -- udelay(50) will only wait approx. 25usec. That seems pretty
dangerous to me. Maybe we need some other source of short loops?

It sounds like you aren't rebooting after changing to AC power. My
recollection is that bogomips are computed once, at boot time, so it
is not surprising that they don't change even when the CPU speeds up.

Perhaps a patch is needed so APM (or the user) can inform the kernel
to recompute bogomips, or to recompute them once a minute or so?


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