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SubjectRe: Trouble compiling kernel 2.0.38
In article <>,
Mattias Sandgren <> wrote:
>I have problems compiling kernel 2.0.38. There seems to be problems with
>assembly code in at least one include file (string.h) with the versions of gcc
>I've tried. I'm using the Debian (potato) distribution and I've tried:
>With and without the kernel patch at:
>with these two compilers:
>gcc 2.95.2 (egcs)

If you use the Debian potato gcc272 package, you have to edit the main
kernel Makefile and change




... or otherwise it won't work. I think it's wise to use the latest
binutils as well.

>And yes, /usr/src/[linux,asm] are linked to the kernel source.

Now _that_ is something you should not have done on your Debian system-
you probably broke your compilation environment for a lot of of
other things. Remove those links, purge libc6-dev (dpkg --force-depends
--purge libc6-dev) and reinstall libc6-dev (dpkg -i libc6-dev_2.1.2-X.deb)

>The reason I wan't to try kernel 2.0.38 is that I STILL haven't found an
>explanation to why my SMP machine is unresponsive during writes to disk. Not
>beeing able to move the mouse pointer or use the keyboard while bonnie is
>writing to disk is ridiculous considering the dual 450 MHz CPUs, SCSI disk and
>controller. I can ping the machine from the network but logging in? forget it.

Hmm yes I've heard that something similar happened on a box one of
our customer uses (4xSMP, 2 GB RAM, lots-o-scsi disk). During disk
writes the machine sometimes gets unresponsive for tens of seconds.
Can't reproduce it right now - have to fix the RAM problems first..

First things first, but not necessarily in that order.

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