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SubjectRe: usb direct connect?
On Mon, 25 Oct 1999, David Cougle wrote:

> There are usb direct connect boxes out now, as well as usb network cards.
> Will these be supported under linux?

I can't speak for direct-connect, but I'm working on USB/Ethernet devices.

Unfortunately, the first-generation devices are mostly all designed to
require a firmware download upon attachment to the PC. I've contacted
manufacturers, but they're all being tight-lipped about releasing the
internal firmware or any specs at all.

The 2nd generation devices appear to be custom ASICs for USB/Ethernet
work. Unfortunately, I'm having trouble getting specs and samples from

CATC makes a device like this, and they have someone in-house
working on a driver for Linux. What will become of this driver is
uncertain (GPL? binary distribution?).

Linksys is working on a custom ASIC based product. I actually have gotten
limited specs from them, but the assistance I was getting from them
suddenly dried up without explanation. If anyone has any friends over
there who might be able to help, I'd love to hear about it.

So, the short answer for USB/Ethernet is: someday. But not soon.

Matt Dharm

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