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SubjectRe: /proc/pci unknown devices
>>>>> "Peter" == Peter Samuelson <> writes:

Peter> [Jes Sorensen <>]
>> Besides, the table doesn't need to be a large static ever growing
>> table, all you do is to copy the entries for the PCI devices you
>> found to a new list and delete the rest.

Peter> Certainly that works today, since we know all PCI devices at
Peter> boot time. This will not be true forever. I believe this has
Peter> been discussed before here; what was the verdict on "knowing"
Peter> the names of hot-swap devices?

Peter> Maybe when a module for a hot-swap device loads (responding to
Peter> a "modprobe -k pci-dev-fe1c-ee05" or whatever) it can augment
Peter> the /proc/pci table with its own __initdata. (Who knows, by
Peter> then maybe __initdata in a module will mean something.)

Oh thats certainly a good option as well, there are two other ways as
well a) list hot plug devices as "unknown or plugged in post boot" b)
make the PCI table a loadable module that is loaded by the hot plug
code, the device description is extracted from the big list and put in
the /proc/pci list and the module unloaded again.

b) may sound a bit silly, but since you are unlikely to replace PCI
hot-plug devices at a rate of 10000 devices/second, it is actually
quite feasible.

Anyway I agree with Ted, this discussion is basically a "storm in a
glass of water" (as we say in Danish).


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