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SubjectRe: Intel E1000 server gig-card?

On 26-Oct-99 H. Peter Anvin wrote:
>> You can't add a patch to
>> non-GPL code and declare the patch to be GPL, nor does anyone other
>> than the copyrigth holder have the right to change the license.
> Yes you can. That is, in fact, the main distinction between BSD
> (where you can do exactly that) and GPL (where you cannot.)

No, that's not true. All that code is still under the BSD license; its just
that there's no obligation for them to give you the source. The BSD license is
compatible with proprietary licenses, so the aggregate can be released under a
proprietary license.

The GPL is not compatible with any license which prevents you from getting the
source (and other details), so no aggregate can be licensed under anything
which does not free the source.

Note that by "aggregate" I don't mean "mere aggregation" as used in the GPL; I
mean code from various sources which are linked into a single program.


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