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    SubjectLinux box won't receive files on network
    Hi Folks:  I am at a loss for what to do next with a networking
    problem which has me befuddled.

    I have a linux box acting as a server and gateway between an internal
    LAN and the outside world through a Cisco 675 router. I have two nic
    cards in the linux box with bridging, forwarding, ip_masquerading and
    the like compiled in. The interface to the outside world seems to
    work just fine. The interface on the inside interface seems to be
    able to transfer data to the windows boxes no problem, unfortunately,
    it won't receive anymore than about 10k of data before stalling.

    I am using NetGear FA310-tx cards on all machines and I have upgrade
    the tulip driver to v0.91g. I am running linux-2.2.12 but also had
    the problem with 2.2.10.

    I have done a tcpdump on the interface but don't seem to be able to
    get much understanding from the output. It appears as though the
    windows box sends a number of packets to the linux box. The linux box
    does an ACK of those packets and the windows box sends more packets.
    It looks as if the linux box just keeps sending back an ack for the
    same block of data as it did before. The sequence numbers on the
    incoming packets change but the acks don't. After a while the windows
    box just times out. I also have the kernel compiled for no
    fragments. I see the (DF) no fragment option on each packet sent from
    the linux box. I never see any kind of acknowledgement of that from
    the windows box.

    Does anyone have any idea what is wrong? I would certainly appreciate
    any help people might give me. I would hate to lose this linux box to
    an NT package.



    Kirk Reiser The Computer Braille Facility
    e-mail: University of Western Ontario
    phone: (519) 661-3061

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