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Subject2.3.22 bug report (on RH 6.0)

After switching from 2.3.12 to 2.3.12 (the ones between did not seem
secure enough to switch to) the following problems arised:
- it is no use I set Unix98 ptys to 64 it remains 256 (previously worked)
- the option to enable the joystick port on my es1370 disappeared, so I
cannot initialize my Logitech gamepad at boot time to be js0.
(previously worked)
- something else is seriously broken (during startup scripts my PC lock
hard), when apmd starts the box locks. If I do not start apmd, it locks
starting portmapper. I did not try ehat if I do not start portmap
either, but if it helps, write me and I will.

My config:
ABIT BH6 Celeron 400(w/o OC) 128M pc100 SDRAM
2x20.4GWD Caviar 32xSony CDROM

Compaq MGA G200 AGP

Compaq Netelligent 10/100 (Intel EtherExpess 100)
Miro PCTV Pro
Creative Ensonique AudioPCI
S3 Virge DX (just can't wait to reach the point of having fb0 and fb1 on
different monitors, watching fbtv on the second, and using the first az
the console)

OT: could anyone get SVGATextMode working on a G200, and how?

-- SaPE

Peter Sasi <>

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