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SubjectRe: Linux 2.3.21 Gripes.
Hi Mike.

>>>>>> One kernel I successfully booted was a 2.2.12 kernel of about
>>>>>> 1.3M in size, so well over both the 1M limit and the size of
>>>>>> your kernel above.

>>>>> Hmm.. maybe with some shameless thievery.. ;-)

>>>> If you mean that I applied the patch I developed before
>>>> compiling it, then I have to admit that such was indeed
>>>> the case.

>>> Ah no.. I meant maybe I should go try to swipe code from lilo,
>>> but since it's not there yet <g> I'll wait.

>> Now you have me puzzled...

>> All I can work out is that I was able to successfully boot a
>> 2.2.12 kernel of about 1.3M in size using the version of LILO
>> supplied as standard with RedHat 6.0 (but for some reason, I
>> was not able to boot a similar sized 2.3.17 kernel using that
>> method). You appear to be claiming that LILO is not able to
>> boot suchlike kernels?

> No, having never read the LILO source I [cw]ouldn't claim
> anything.


> I interpreted your comment about a patch to mean that you'd
> modified LILO.

Nope, the patch I referred to is one I am developing for the Linux
kernel itself, and specifically the files...


...which will allow the built in bootloader (when compiled in bzImage
mode) to boot kernels of 1M and more in size (the current limit for
the in-built boot loader is 1,048,560 bytes - 16 bytes short of 1M).

Best wishes from Riley.

PS: The kernel versions page is now back online at the URL below, and
includes separate sublists both for each kernel series, and for
each year of development.

| There is something frustrating about the quality and speed of Linux |
| development, ie., the quality is too high and the speed is too high, |
| in other words, I can implement this XXXX feature, but I bet someone |
| else has already done so and is just about to release their patch. |

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