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SubjectRe: [OT] Re: Colour blindness & the Linux Kernel Version History
In message <>, David Ford writes:
| Audin Malmin wrote:
| > Arrgh... Why does everyone insist on bright backgrounds? A
| > CRT is not a piece of paper, it's an illuminated display, bright
| > backgrounds just mean that everyone has to squint to read it... The
| because it's proven that reading black text on a white background is easier o
| n the
| human eye than white text on a black background. ask your local opthamalogis
| t or
| etc.

True only when the white background is passive, such as a printed page. I
don't know if any conclusive studies have been done regarding CRTs, but the
standard rule doesn't seem to hold all that well... mainly because while it
works if you turn down the brightness enough, you then can't see
low-contrast stuff very well (and if you turn up the contrast, the white
becomes too bright again).

brandon s. allbery os/2,linux,solaris,perl
system administrator kthkrb,heimdal,gnome,rt
carnegie mellon / electrical and computer engineering kf8nh
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