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SubjectRe: Kernel OSS vs ALSA
> Here's the laundry list of requests:
> * support for any arbitrary mixer device: name, desc, data types, number
> of subchannels

This tends to turn into a very messy API - thats perhaps one big ALSA problem.
You need a lot of code to implement the mixer and also a lot of code to show
a good conceptual map of the mixer for a configuration tool

> * 3D audio, maybe in userspace

Some chips do bits of this in hardware - the ESS Maestro has delay line modes
for example so you can do delay shifting to model objects at a distance and
echoes in hardware. The newest cards have some of the 3D modelling in

> * simultaneous multiple streams, with mixing as needed

Exposing the streams is already handled by OSS (ok we might want the odd
extra major)

> * time marking of streams for synchronization


> * OSS exposes internals, there should to be a mid-layer lib in userspace

Which internals ?

> * some control over bass boost and the like

That is easy to add to OSS. The 3D spacialiser was added recently, stuff
like Bass boost isnt a problem.

It is on the synth side that ALSA is way better.

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