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SubjectRe: Linux 2.3.21 Gripes.
Date (Dara Hazeghi) writes:

> * 1MB+ Kernels: I don't know the precise breaking point, but it is
> not nice after a 25minute compilation to discover your kernel is too
> big. I know there are technical reasons, but this is an issue that'll
> have to be addressed sooner or later, and getting started sooner does
> have advantages.

Have you tried make bzImage ?

> * Slow recompilation: When I build a kernel and it doesn't complete,
> usually I change the offending option to off, and recompile. However
> every single thing gets rebuilt. Again, some of us have slow machines
> and this is not a good thing for us.

This is not true with 2.2+, except when you change "fundamental" things
(like CONFIG_SMP).

> * Slow fsck: When I have to do an fsck (which seems more and more
> often) it often take more than 10 minutes on a 5GB root partition. This
> is a Ultra2 SCSI drive which isn't that slow either. I know reiserfs and
> Stephen Tweedie's journaled ext2 deal with this, but they have not yet
> been ported to 2.3.X and so I'm stuck waiting 10minutes every time
> another 2.2.13pre breaks on me.

Creating the file system with 4K blocks helps a lot.

This is like TV. I don't like TV.

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