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SubjectRe: "My" crash when reading partition table

> > I reported crash with reading partition table. Now I've found out:
> > something is wrong with memory detection. Passing mem=8M makes machine
> > boot again. That's probably why it was even in ac-10.
> Can you turn on the E820 table debugging printks and send them to the
> kernel list ?

I believe it is turned on by default.

> Well, barring something horrible like e820 returning bogus values
> that the kernel takes as gospel (what do the memory region: kernel
> messages say?), it may be the problem the fellow from fujitsu
> reported (boundary conditions -- the one horrible flaw I've got as a
> programmer :-( )
> Could you try this patch and see if it makes any difference (I don't
> think that mm/init.c has changed since then):

It did NOT help.

Anyway, system is toshiba satellite 4030CDT with 64Meg of ram. Strange
thing is that I'm not able to boot with mem=63M. mem=60M works fine,
mem=8M works, too.

During bootup (and before crash), I can see a list for a short
while. Therefore, I copied only (usable) + interesting lines.

654336 @ 0 (usable)
65929216 @ 100000 (usable)
512 @ 100b6e000 type 4

It looks sane to me.

Does it help?
I'm really Look at Pavel
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