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SubjectRe: FlashPoint card hanging system (BT-950)
> Jim Niemira wrote:
> >
> > William Lash spake, saying:
> > > The change that I posted on the mailing list (adding the udelay()s to the
> > > OS_* macros has been working fine for me. I looked at the newest 2.2.13pre
> > > release and didn't see the change, so I think that you'll need to apply it by
> > > hand. I figure Leonard is waiting to hear other reports of success before
> > > he will seriously consider changing the driver.
> > >
> > > I hope it works for you.
> >
> > Alas, it does not. I get:
> >
> > BusLogic: IRQ Channel 0 illegal for FlashPoint Host Adapter
> > at PCI Bus 0 Device 10 I/O Addres 0xE800
> I had a similar problem with my BT-930 - I have a VA-503+ m/b and a K6-2 350.
> The card just refused to work in that m/b when either the cpu was clocked
> over 300Mhz or the m/b was set over 66Mhz - The bios on the card would get
> corrupted (ver 2.01) and then I'd get a message just like yours. I was told
> by mylex tech support that the Bt-930 was incompatible with the VIA chipset,
> but I could try downgrading the bios to 1.41i. I did this and the card would
> work only on a cold power on. The interesting thing is that the problem
> didn't happen with my earlier processor on the same m/b - a K6 233.

On Mylex's support database, they mention that there is a problem with some
VIA chipset motherboards with the RAID Plus BIOS. I don't think that using
the RAID Plus BIOS does anything for you under Linux. Here are a couple of
reports from the their tech support database that may apply:

KT-950R won't come up in PA-2013 motherboard (REF#980811-0001)


I have the FIC PA-2013 motherboard with the MVP3 chipset and the
Flashpoint won't initialize. I saw a posting saying that some users
flashed their bios to another version which used a smaller footprint
and this worked. Where do I get this version and how do I use it?


The VIA chipsets, such as the MVP3, apparently only allocate a 32K
space for adapter bios, and the RAIDPlus bios version is a 64K image.
You can download the non-RAIDPlus bios version 1.41I from the
Support/Download web page, but this bios does not support the RAID
functions, and will resize the flash chip to 32K. You will not be able
to reflash the bios to the RAIDPlus version until the flash chip has
been reset.

RaidPlus bios 2.02L and the 440LX chipset (REF#980616-0000)


I was given flash 2.02L for my flashpoint 950LW some time ago (2
months) by technical support as a temporary solution to EEPROM Corrupt
& bios size invalid error messages. I was wondering if there is a
permanent fix available yet for this controller with my LX chipset?
REflashing the card bios every few weeks is getting annoying.


Flashpoint bios update 2.02O(64) is now available by email attachment.
Send an email request to "" to receive this bios
update. (updated 12-4-98)

It sounds like I was lucky that my problems were solved by adding some
delays to the driver.

Bill Lash

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